Lab assignment

Brandeis student lab write-up (Lou Bianchini)

Another Brandeis student lab write-up (Yen-Ruh Wuu)

Another Brandeis student lab write-up (Aish Bhonsle)

Background reading:

Relaxation Efects in NMR Absorption, Bloembergen, Purcell and Pound, Physical Review, 1948.

Spin Echoes, Hahn, Physical Review, 1950.

Spin Echo Coupling in Molecules, Hahn and Maxwell, Physical Review, 1952.

Effects of Diffusion on Free Precession in NMR, Carr and Purcell, Physical Review, 1954.

Spin Echo, Meiboom and Gill, Review of Scientific Instruments, 1958.

Slichter textbook.

TeachSpin Manual:



Getting Started




Links to NMR websites:

University of Florida, Advanced Lab

Michigan State University: Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry

Rochester Institute of Technology Basics of NMR

Queen's College NMR webcourse